Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wanting to know the name of a children's book?

I had a book read to me when I was a small child, probably first or second grade. It was about an old indian myth about a little boy or little girl that threw a rabbit at the moon. And if you look at the moon you can still see the rabbit there. That is all I can remember, but everytime I look at the moon i think about this story. Would love to be able to read it to my daughter. Please help!

Wanting to know the name of a children's book?
Rabbit and Moon Man is mentioned on the link I've included. I did a search on Dogpile.com ("Native American folk rabbit moon" in the search bar) and came up with some other options. Good luck, it sounds charming. Maybe you'll find an alternative as charming.
Reply:Try searching with key words on google. That might work. Sorry though, I don't know the story.
Reply:It might have been Tales of the Great Rabbit. Myths from around the world.

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