Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hi!can you give me some names..of publishing houses who accepts ''unsolicitated manuscripts''?for children's?


i am far away from america..england..etc..

most of them..say they don't accept unsolicited manuscripts....but how can i wait to be solicited if they don't know who i am..

Hi!can you give me some names..of publishing houses who accepts ''unsolicitated manuscripts''?for children's?
What you need to do is identify publishers who deal directly with authors, rather than through literary agents. Any recent edition of Writer's Market (for US) or Writer's and Artist's Yearbook (UK) should give you those publishers' names, what they're seeking, and specifics about how they prefer to be contacted.

Then you write a one-page query letter "selling" them your book, piquing their interest so strongly that they ask for you to send all or part of the manuscript. Then it's not unsolicited.

If everyone just sent in their unsolicited manuscripts, the publishers would be buried in them. Instead, they weed out which ones show promise through the query letter process.
Reply:Nobody is going to be interested in a manuscript from a person with such poor English skills. Instead of looking for a publisher, you need to focus on honing your craft and perfecting your English. Only then will a publisher even be willing to give you the time of day.

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